Becoming Earthly…

Selected in collaboration with Luke Pell to take part in The Barn’s ecology and arts series - Becoming Earthly -

Together with a range of artists from the UK & beyond we explored a series of propositions from making peace with gravity, to the pleasure in doubt, observation as improvisation and an exploration of shame and play. In response to the proposals we generated writing, image-making and conversation!

lying down - a poem in response to gravity:


mulberry leaves fall &

            lie down with sycamore

            keys, holly berries

            & a bright Common Blue


            from the beak of a thrush,

            tiny twigs fall &

            lie down with renegade dead

            ants & a damson stone.


            up above high

            the shadow of a cloud

            lies down, darkening

            the face of the soil


            already lying down

            the soil makes no complaint


            falling falling

            rain lies down &

            so does sunlight -

            mixing fire & water


           already lying down

            the soil welcomes them



  inside the house

            door stands upright



            vase of pansies

            mantlepiece clock

            all stand upright


  broom stands upright –

            but only just

            ready to turn

            quarter of a circle

            if gravity requests


  soft brown shoes lie

            down, the heel of one balanced

            on the toe of the other


            knife & butter lie down




            all lie down


  crimson wool rug lies down &

            the rug, like the soil

            makes no complaint


            yellow counterpane lies down

            stray silver hairs

            a cat’s whisker


            a thirsty bluebottle

            all lie down


            falling falling

            time lies down &

            so does memory -

            mixing life together


hip falling down

            shoulder falling down

            muscles of a hand  -

            all of a right side

            falling falling



            falling falling

            time lies down &

            so does memory -

            mixing life together


  turning turning

            ready to turn

            quarter of a circle


            my mother stands upright












Yellow is the brightest colour…


Invitation to Begin (Again)…